about havana boutique hotels

Havana Boutique Hotels (HBH) is a product of the Big Planet Adventures Pty Ltd (Australian Business Number: 15154669360, an established tour operator in Cuba.

To provide accommodation for all the tour groups, Big Planet works with a large number of private guesthouses in Havana. With some of the owners of these guesthouses, to guarantee space for the tour groups, we have arrangements whereby the company purchases the availability of certain rooms on a full-time basis, and in doing so, takes on the financial responsibility of filling the rooms with bookings. Through other means including HBH we sell the spaces we don’t use for our tour groups.

With this system we are able to offer the following:

Wholesale rates - the rooms we make available are the ones that are left over after we have accommodated our tour groups. We have already paid for the rooms at discounted wholesale rates from the owners, and to minimise our losses, we offer the left over rooms at cost price.

Hand-picked - this is accommodation in Havana has been carefully selected for it's reliability, excellent service, and value for money, by reputable agencies that have been working in Cuba for years.

Professional standards - the style of accommodation is less family stay and more like small boutique hotels. These places generally don't offer the experience of staying in a family run B&B, like many places in Cuba do, however they are privately run businesses in Cuba, and they offer friendly service by local Cubans but who are motivated to provide the best service possible, are controlled by minimum service standards criteria, and since they are private family owned businesses, they are viable options for Americans who are visiting Cuba on a General Licence, under the Support for the Cuban People category.